Sunday, October 23, 2016

Aflie update

Alfie did continue chewing the sofa and also added door frames, banisters, carpets, a footstool, shoes, lino, cupboard handles and all sorts of other things. He is very lovable, but has cost a fortune in things chewed! He has started agility and looks like he might be talented, hopefully this will burn off his energy and excess brain cycles!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


I always liked working cockers. A cocker was being given up to rescue locally, Nikki and I took him for a walk and I decided I could take him on. He is probably a show type, or somewhere at the show end of working. Seems lively and fast, so who knows, he might do OK. He is 7 months old atm. He's a lovely dog around the house, although if he keeps chewing my sofa I might decide he's not lol.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

DDAC July 2015

Nice show, and the one run by the club I train at. Did the Friday, Saturday and Sunday, running Ben and Spike and helping at most other times.
Friday: Quite busy on the helping front because the cadets didn't arrive until the weekend. Ben was fine after not training due to some sort of claw problem which affects claws in turn, they basically fall apart and are painful. Anyway the latest one had just about healed so he could run. A bit mad as you might expect with no training for a couple of months. Spike ran nicely as he often does, the shoulder problem is a long distant memory and he is doing well for a 9 year old that has not gone to veterans yet.
Saturday: Team took ages to get organised. I'll either have to coordinate better with my team next year or not enter, it just takes too much time when we should be helping. Hard to coordinate though because the teams kept changing! Nikki came to watch and it was nice spend some time with her. Our dog walker, James, also came. He loves the dogs and was interested to see the show and see what they can do. He was also looking at the photo company and working out how their business model works.
Sunday: A bit wet. Ben was out of action, no obvious worsening of any of the claws and not sure which limb was bothering him, so definitely no running (he's fine again now, and might even be able to train soon). Spike ran well. Unfortunately the only clear round I got was with Spike, but run on someone else's ticket (I wrote down the class number not the running order, and no-one noticed.) The timing failed(!) so I got another run, but was not concentrating really and let Spike go in two of the heffalump traps. It's a pleasure to run him and no point going up to G7, so a good run is enough for me ATM. Did a lot more helping with only one dog to run, there were just 2 of us and the judge for a bit on ring 2!

Ben has a hibbiscrub wash for his claws and zinc in case of deficiencies, I hope its not the autoimmune thing that some other kelpies are getting. Spike is still great to run, and possibly getting better with the work we are doing with the club, especially in tightening turns. He ran under a couple of round the backs, which I'll have to watch; maybe a consequence of the tighter turns?

Monday, September 01, 2014


Ages since I blogged, maybe I'll try again. Had to change the name of the blog, because it was based on something that is no more. It's mostly about me and my dogs so I renamed it to reflect that.
Spike has been limping a bit since last Nov, seems to be on the mend. He is G6 now. Ben just went to G4, after lots of not doing contacts very well. He's fast, so a clear round can win.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Agility Nuts KC Show

I enjoyed this show. It seemed well run and friendly. I didn't see the computers in the score tents like you do at the other agiltiy nuts shows. I guess maybe they are incompatible with KC or people used to KC ways. The rest was pretty much as normal, with a few oddities thrown in by the venue. The venue was on the whole good, and easy to find.

Spike and I got a 3rd in jumping, which was the only result of the weekend for us. We just don't seem to be communicating as well as we were. I have also let his basics slip, distance weaves and good contact stops used to be the order of the day, but if I run past he releases, and sometimes he doesn't seem to understand which obstacle I want him to take. Also we often see things in competitions that we do not see in training.

Much of this is due to having limited time to train two dog either of which would really be enough for most people. I am hoping that over the winter I can put the training in place to emerge next year with two dogs running to their potential, which is huge. I am also hoping to have a job to fund lots of shows.

Monday, August 22, 2011

West Lakes show

Back at this great venue again. This year staying on for a few days of holiday (punctuated by job interviews).

Spike got a 3rd in jumping a 10th in the amazing clock face/ black hole course (agility), and 2nd in 3-4 combined agility. Just happened to have a tunnel in the same place (under the dogwalk) as I set for club training last week.